
Self-Care for Starting Over

Moving on after getting divorced is different than any other break or change. It’s not just that you have to abandon the vision you had for your life. You committed to that vision…legally, spiritually, body and soul. You lived it. And now you must leave it behind for something new.

Take Time Dragonfly is a newsletter to give you inspiration and resources as you move forward. We’ll help you remember to take time for yourself, provide simple ideas for self-care, and offer support as you navigate your journey.

Have a question or suggestion?
Contact us at hello@taketimedragonfly.com.

Founder Lisa Lance created Take Time Dragonfly in 2019 to provide the kind of inspiration and support she wished she’d had after going through a divorce five years earlier. Read more about her journey here.

Founder Lisa Lance created Take Time Dragonfly in 2019 to provide the kind of inspiration and support she wished she’d had after going through a divorce five years earlier. Read more about her journey here.