Welcome to Take Time Dragonfly

Image by Carolyn V on Unsplash.

Image by Carolyn V on Unsplash.

Moving on from divorce is different than any other break or change. It’s not just that you have to scrap the vision you had for your life. You committed to that vision…legally, spiritually, body and soul. You lived it. And now you must leave it behind for something new.

When I was going through my divorce and the process of creating the next chapter of my life, the best thing I did was to take time for myself — to process my experience, to think about what I needed and wanted, to discover the person I was becoming. And, most of all, to heal.

I had the luxury of quitting my job and taking my own version of a sabbatical to explore what I wanted that next chapter to be. I traveled solo to a yoga, hiking, and meditation retreat; I spent days exploring museums and contemplating the past; I learned how to sail and had adventures with new friends. I worked through every emotion imaginable in therapy. I did my best to adopt healthier habits as I sought to rebuild my self-worth.

I didn’t realize it, but I was practicing self-care as I started my life over.

During this journey, I was lucky to have supportive friends and family, but I had a difficult time finding people who knew exactly what I was going through. It was even hard to find resources online to guide me or to help me connect with people who had been through similar transitions.

I started Take Time Dragonfly five years after my divorce was final. After getting comfortable being alone, learning to love myself (always a work in progress!), working on my career, and discovering happiness in a healthy second marriage, I’d like to share my experiences and create the kind of resources for others that I wished I’d had along the way.

You may be dealing with feelings of humiliation and failure, with low self-esteem resulting from physical or emotional abuse, with a new financial situation, going back to work, or moving into a new home. Everyone has their own path to take, but you are not alone in what you’re going through — and we can all learn from each other’s journeys. Please take the time to care for yourself along the way.

Take care,


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